San Francisco on Sunday

A warm day in Sacramento means only one thing... it has gotta be cool in the City... so when Loring and José called to say if I wanted to go to San Francisco for the day... I agreed (little did I know they just wanted me to be able to use the diamond lanes on the ride over). Since I am always there to help, I gladly agreed to the field trip.

We took the drive over, by way of the Golden Gate (fogged in, but always grand). Then into Golden Gate Park to the De Young Museum. Where I was amazed by the photography exhibit by Hiroshi Sugimoto. Some truly amazing mathematical fotos – complete with formulas! After lunch we went to a raucous street fair…we stopped off for dinner in Davis. I was home by 8pm and tiled the shower until 2am...

Today’s fotos are of the Museum Tower, the view of the new Steinhardt Aquarium (see the green roof being planted), and pics of Jose & Lauren and friends… as well as a self portrait…
