Ethnomathematics to the Rescue!

I just had a run in with an international math incident. Thanks to my research with the ACP I quickly figured out the problem... here is what happened:

In order for me to upgrade my xique index aqui in Brasil decided to get another pair of glasses, the kind that reacts favorably to the sun. So last week I took my persctition to a store I am familair with, and was promised they would be ready in"não mais de cico dias". I think in Minas that means more than in five days...

At any rate, the lady called me on my on my cell (I am very xique witha CPF that gves the illusion that I am Brazilian and allows me to buy and use a cell phone here. I assure them that I am 0,5 Brasileiro... becasue I am married toa Brasileiro. But of course I digress...

The prescrition is in USA English, and the girl inthe loja assured me that there woudl be no problem and are familiar with it. (I forgoot that in OP assurances are well... fraught with complcations, as they are in California) . Today (dia sete), just after Marger left the hosue for the centro, and wanted to know if I needed a ride the lady called and needed me to come into the store to varify the numbers... lei de murphy. Ok, I´m a PHD but in math education, and NOT an opthamalogist... but I enjoy the challenge... so after almoço with Marger & Viana, I took a taxi lotação to the rua direta... and was prepared to cancel my order. The girl took me to to another store, with a eye doctor, and he expalined to her that the number in the USA doesn´t need a zero in front and that the point (dot) is the same as the virgula here... so... 0,5 = 0.5 or something like that... its in opthamologist code, which I can´t read. But apparently they all understand as part of their international consipracy to keep us all using eyeglasses.

My superior ethnomathematics powers to the recue, uai!
