A Letter to "Teabaggers" About Health Care Reform: Ignorance and Selfishness Is No Excuse


This is to all the Tea Party Protesters on Medicare.

Somehow you think that your $98.50 premium pays the entire cost of your medical bills, that it's not a socialized government program. You seem to feel that you "deserve" your medical insurance, the rest of us don't.

More importantly you seem to feel that people such as me, a 50 year old who has worked since I was 14, usually at full time and a part time job is a bum, looking for a handout. I had health insurance almost all my life till the cost rose so high that the choice is to be homeless or have a policy -- and I'm pretty sure being homeless would disqualify me.

I don't want a handout. I just wanted health care reform to mean America would go back to the level playing field you all enjoyed. In the 70's, when I was a kid, I know the health care premium for the whole family was not more than the mortgage, more than the phone bill but less than the power bill because there were RULES.

Somehow the generation over 65 has missed the news that wages have fallen so I am making the same wage I earned in 1988. At least in 1988 a job still meant a 40 hour week, not 32 or less as it does now. The worse part is being treated like I'm in this situation because I'm a no good lazy bum.

Lynn Ferguson


Heath care reform in U.S. is quite difficult issue to resolve. I would like to give some advice like e.g. the Canadian health care system could be a model but it's not so easy. The system in the U.S. is quite unique and that's why also the solution must be unique. However, I think that it doesn't matter in which country we live we should always take part on the responsibility for our health insurance.

Best regards,