
Let's Rally to Restore Peace
Marjorie Cohn, Truthout: "In their Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert effectively demonstrated how the media hypes fear. They brought out Kareem Abdul Jabbar to show that not all Muslims are terrorists. A couple of musical numbers dealt with the wars we are fighting. But neither Stewart nor Colbert mentioned Iraq or Afghanistan and how they are allowed to continue by the hyping of fear. Like his predecessor, President Obama also hypes fear - by connecting his war in Afghanistan to keeping us safe, even though CIA Director Leon Panetta recently admitted that only 50 to 100 al-Qaeda fighters are there."

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Chris Hedges | The Phantom Left
Chris Hedges, Truthdig: "The American left is a phantom. It is conjured up by the right wing to tag Barack Obama as a socialist and used by the liberal class to justify its complacency and lethargy. It diverts attention from corporate power. It perpetuates the myth of a democratic system that is influenced by the votes of citizens, political platforms and the work of legislators. It keeps the world neatly divided into a left and a right. The phantom left functions as a convenient scapegoat. The right wing blames it for moral degeneration and fiscal chaos. The liberal class uses it to call for 'moderation.' And while we waste our time talking nonsense, the engines of corporate power - masked, ruthless and unexamined - happily devour the state."

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Paul Rogat Loeb | The Republican War on Reality
Paul Rogat Loeb, Truthout: "Everett Dirksen is one of my heroes. The Senate Republican leader from 1959 to 1969, he pushed strongly for Vietnam escalation and took conservative stands that I'd have strongly disagreed with on economic issues. But he joined Lyndon Johnson in going to the mat to pass the Civil Rights and Voting Rights bills, and for that I admire him immensely. Today's Republicans are far from Dirksen and that's a shame. Beyond political differences with Obama and the Democrats, they've been making war on reality itself, which should be a major issue of the campaign's final days."

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Gallup Gave the GOP a 55 Percent to 40 Percent Lead Over Democrats Among Likely Voters
Read the Article at Politico

Paul Krugman: Mugged by the Debt Moralizers
Read the Article at The New York Times
Mightier Than the "Tea Party": The American Nonvoter
Read the Article at The Los Angeles Times

Joe Miller and Palin Blame Press for Fabricating a Nonexistent Story
Read the Article at New York Magazine

Pot Politics in California
See the Video at The Washington Post

Where'd the Tea Party's Secret Money Go?
Read the Article at Mother Jones

GOP Plans Attacks on EPA and Climate Scientists
Read the Article at The Los Angeles Times

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