Three from Truthout:

Sunday 27 February 2011

Wisconsin: Health Care, Democracy and the Middle Class Are At Stake
Jeff Leys, Truthout: "Walker's - and the Republicans' - initiative will undermine worker rights and ... the health care of the 1.1 million Wisconsin residents who rely upon Medicaid. He proudly proclaims: 'Wisconsin is open for business.' Yet a healthy business climate requires a middle class that will be destroyed by his union busting. A healthy business climate requires that workers have access to decent health care, for themselves and their families... As my mom directed me from her hospital bed: Go to Madison. The heart of Wisconsin depends on you."

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Rallies for Labor, in Wisconsin and Beyond
Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Timothy Williams, The New York Times News Service: "With booming chants of 'This will not stand!' at least 70,000 demonstrators flooded the square around the Wisconsin Capitol on Saturday in what the authorities here called the largest protest yet in nearly two weeks of demonstrations. It was a call heard in sympathy protests that drew thousands of demonstrators to state capitals and other cities from Albany to the West Coast. The protesters were rallying against a proposal by Wisconsin’s new Republican governor, Scott Walker, that would strip the state’s public employee unions of nearly all their bargaining power."

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Oscar Night: A Clenched Fist on Every Lapel
Michael R. Miller, Filmmaker's Diary: "Sunday evening, February 27, hundreds of millions of movie fans will watch the 83rd annual Academy Awards. These viewers may not be aware of a fact that merits particular attention this year, as Wisconson's public sector employees stand up for their rights: every presenter and almost every recipient on the Oscar broadcast belongs to a labor organization. Every musician in the pit, every camera operator, every cable puller - everyone involved carries a union card!"
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