Via Hoje em Dia:

Estreante no grupo, o novo professor da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), Milton Rosa, 49 anos, disse que aproveita o momento de descontração para conhecer a comunidade e fazer amizades. “Acabei de me mudar para a cidade, então estou aqui para entrar no clima, fazer amigos e me divertir”, disse.

O também professor da UFOP, o norte-americano Daniel Orey, 56 anos, disse que nada melhor que o Carnaval para reunir os amigos. “Eu participo do grupo há cinco anos e já me sinto em casa. ”, disse.


oreydc said…
a very rough translation via google translator:

Bandalheira: Folkloric Band animates Ouropretano

With chamber pot on the head and roll of toilet paper in the belt group satirizes bands of the era of dictatorship

The Carnival Sunday was dominated by Bandalheira. One of the bands most lively and traditional of the city Bandalheira Folclórica Ouro-Pretana (bad breath) toured in the afternoon, about 12 km of steep streets bringing joy and relaxation for the population. Completing 39 years of existence and accustomed to gather about 300 participants, this year the group was smaller, with 80 people, depending on the persistent rain that gave no respite in Ouro Preto.

Still, the band has not lost its charm and paraded with much enthusiasm. As is usual, all participants were in uniform, with white shirts, black trousers, a tie and black shoes, and an enameled chamber pot on the head and a roll of toilet paper hanging from the belt.

"The idea is to satirize the bands of the era of military dictatorship, who wore helmets. Also, we played and marched at a rapid pace, "said an organizer of the group, the designer Gilson José Marques, 50.

Another demand made to the components is that they play a musical instrument. But the interesting thing is that it is not necessary to know how to play. "We have no commitment to melody. I, for one, I cannot play anything, but brought a flute. The important thing is making noise, "said Silvia Martinez, 48, who has participated in the six carnivals with Bandalheira.

Newcomer in the group, the new professor at the University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Milton Rosa, 49, said that seizing the moment of distraction to know the community and make friends. "I just moved to town, so I'm here to get in the mood, make friends and have fun," he said.

The professor also UFOP, the North-American Daniel Orey, 56, said that there is nothing like Carnival to meet friends. "I participated in the group five years ago and already feel at home." He said.