Via Truthout: And If We Were to Change ... Everything

Sunday 10 April 2011

And If We Were to Change ... Everything
Philippe Fremeaux, Laurent Jeanneau, Thierry Pech, Guillaume Duval, Christian Chavagneux and Antoine de Ravignan, Translated by Leslie Thatcher, Alternatives Economiques: "In the face of environmental challenges, in the face of inequalities that threaten our societies' cohesion and global peace, it is no longer possible to distinguish what pertains to the short- or to the long-term in the reforms that must be executed... What could make utopia possible? Maybe the ever more vocal exasperation with gaps in wealth that have become unbearable and which maintain a model of consumption - lived by the well-off, dreamed of by the deprived - that condemns us all. But only on the condition that the renegotiation of the social contract also be the opportunity to negotiate the contract with nature."
Read the Article
