Facebook post of the day:

The problem is not Social Security and Medicare. If you want to talk about people putting their heads in the sand, let's talk about people who want to keep the Bush Tax Cuts while we keep spending $725 billion a year on the Dept. of Defense, $55 billion/year for the Dept. of Homeland Security, untold billions every year for the CIA, as well as huge subsidies to Big Oil, "too-big-to-fail" banks, and factory farms.

The wealthiest Americans were paying upwards of 90% in federal income tax under Pres. Eisenhower. Today, the wealthiest Americans are paying under 37% in federal taxes. Eisenhower was no liberal.

That the right will give no ground on the issue of the Bush Tax Cuts reveals that they are not really conservatives. They are lobbyists who work on behalf of huge corporations and the wealthy elite.

China pays about $103 billion/year on its military, and they have a population nearly four times that of the U.S. The U.S. spends $725 billion a year on the Pentagon. If we want to talk about cutting spending, let's start right there.

Facebook post in reply to:
Op-Ed columnist David Brooks writes, "If the Republican Party were a normal party, it would take advantage of this amazing moment."

Is the Republican Party so blinded by its tax-rate fixation that it misses the chance to exchange a few revenue increases for huge spending cuts?
