Via JMG: Vandalized Yard Sign Of The Day

A McKinney, Texas woman was alerted by neighbors on Friday that her Obama yard sign had been vandalized. She writes on her blog:
To the person who did this: Firstly, I hope you don’t have children. I’m no handwriting expert, but I’m thinking you are a grown woman. In fact, you’re probably one of those ‘Christians’ who gets all of her news of FAUX and just can’t stomach the idea of anyone who’s other.Well, here’s something for you…The police have been here and filed a report. The HOA has been notified, and my sign is uncovered and back in my yard. I’m not afraid of you and your bigotry. Cameras are being installed and WHEN we catch you messing with our sign you will, quite appropriately be charged with the felony this is and smacked with the associated $2,000 fine. Have a great day, hater.
Raw Story has an update: "Cassy Zobel told Raw Story that her Obama yard sign was stolen on Sunday night. But this time, the suspect, who appears to be a white male in his 40s, was caught on video, she said."

Reposted from Joe
