Clip this out

I have had it... folks are just sitting in their car and cooling/warming themselves... so after talking to another student sitting in her car for over 5 minutes... I ran a set of these off (4 to a page) and cut´m up and will keep some in my wallet / truck... to put on a car’s windshield... feel free to use/adapt it...

A Car is not an Air Conditioner!

Did you know that it is illegal to sit and idle your motor?
If you are sitting in your car for more than 30 seconds, then get out and PLEASE! Turn off your car… go somewhere cool, your car is not an air conditioner!

Think about it…
1. global warming
a. idling makes more smog
2. air quality
a. many of us have asthmas… your pollution hurts you, your family and neighbors
3. the war
a. there are thousands of people dying because of OIL
b. your consumption contributes to making war
c. There are a hundred students that are in Iraq and who cannot continue to study here…
4. PLUS! Its just plane bad for your car!

Idling you engine is wrong! A car is not an Air Conditioner!
