After the last post today, I kept walking around Durbar Square and the neighborhood. I got a card that allows me multiple entries so I do not have to pay @00 rupies every time I enter. Talked to a man who remembered seeing me the two there times I walked through… and took a stroll up a street that looked interesting… at about 10 am I realized I had better get back in time for the car from the university. Shasidar called and asked me to tell the driver to [pick him… so we drove to his part of the city… then they took me to the National Museum… very interesting, very helpful in coming to understand things. I took them booth to lunch – at a Chinese Restaurant, and I had my first cappuccino… ahhh! Enjoy the “snaps!


Vicki said…
I finally got into your blog and found myself transported in time and space. What a gorgeous set of pics! I can smell the streets, the rain, hear the cacophony of the streets. What a place for ethnomathematics!!!!!!! The drawing of the snakes on the whiteboard did me in. I have saved many of the photos on my screensaver and they can now bounce around with those from Brazil. Your life is blessed my friend. Love, V
P.S. Please bring me back a cow :)