Today I learned that there is a right and wrong way to sacrifice a goat...

OK Nepali readers... this one may upset you... I share this for those who are not here... because I had an excellent day, really!

The most mind blowing thing happened today... we took our 19 students to a village about 20km from Kathmandu (amazing) and then we started to walk to a Hindu/Buddhist temple complex way up on a mtn...

The professor decided that we should all stop out in the middle of a rice field (nice, spectacular view, etc) and (a resting place with little but very old altar temple like place with Hindu rites going on....). So we brought them all together, and we were talking about things to look for ethnomathematically.. .and there was a family who decided to sacrifice a goat while I am talking. I found out later that the students were upset because the family doing it was doing it wrong (apparently NEVER to Ganesh, etc)... so today I learned that there is a right and wrong way to sacrifice a goat... not that I want to sacrifice a goa t, ever, but nice to know I guess...

It was such a mind blower... the rest of the day was equally amazing... but I wanted to share... pictureless as I can't get to my pics or my computer until tomorrow... amongst other things we ran into a guru who talked to us about math and learning, some amazing geometric Buddhist chaitras, looked at a lot of architecture, etc... all sorts of things as we climbed the hill and the forest then back into town that will give them years of research and mathematical models...

The students are amazing... really good folks, really creative... I am truly blessed (with out the goat... please).
