Your Car is not an Air Conditioner!

Had a few errands today - DMV, store, off to campus... counted three folks just sitting, windows up, idling... with ac on... the temp is 79... so thought I'd post this again, in hopes that someone might be inspired to join my personal crusade. The other day I went to the ATM, and there was a young lady in a car, idling (as she waited for someone to go thru the line in the bank). So I went back to my truck, got one of the below out (that I printed before hand) and went back and knocked and “served” here the attached…

I guess I was quoted in the Bee today "Fuming over Idlers"


Your Car is not an Air Conditioner!

Did you know that it is illegal to sit and idle your motor?
If you are sitting in your car for more than 30 seconds, then get out and PLEASE! Turn off your car… go somewhere cool, your car is not an air conditioner!

Think about it…
1. Global warming
a. idling makes more smog
2. Air quality
a. many of us have asthma… your pollution hurts you, your family and neighbors
3. The war
a. there are thousands of people dying because of OIL
b. your consumption contributes to making war
c. There are hundreds of students that are in Iraq and who cannot continue to study here…
4. The price…
a. The more we use the more it costs!
5. PLUS! It is just plain bad for your car!

Idling your engine is wrong! A car is not an Air Conditioner!


Unknown said…
What a load of shit you fucking hippie! I pay for my car and my gas and can do what the fuck I want. I am sitting in my car with the ac on the internet with my blackberry. I am going to stay an extra 20 minuttes because of your lame ass. Your resoning is retartded an innacurate as well.