La Mer...

I woke up humming "LaMer" as sung by Charles Trenet. Let me explain why... you see, amongst many of my proudly worn "pecados" is a weakness. Ok it is one of many... but we don't need to launder all of them this morning, now do we?

Milton & I profess to any number of weaknesses. However, the weakness that I speak of here is our common devotion to the collected works of Rowan Atkinson aka Mr. Bean. Being Brazilians (one by birth, the other by domestication) we are firm believers that not everything has to be of a “high society” type… Brega is a word both worthy of emulation and as a lifestyle.

So, despite all the more cultural opportunities offered here in our fair city, off we went to see his latest film. “Mr Bean's Holiday”. The ending is well worth the ride…


and then if you don’t get it you must see…
