No more rabbit ears for now...

The folks from Surewest called me (on my deluxe new Palm Treo 680 that replaced the Palm Treo 600 that died so valiantly on Friday see the post on Sept. 29th) during my class this morning. The esteemed readership will be most glad to know that I did not pull a Giuliani . While hoping to serve a a proper role model, I waited instead to respond to the call when it was appropriate ( I had them work in small groups and stepped outside for a moment). So after class, I ran right home and the Surewest guys came and found that the f$##^g squirrels had gnawed into the fiber optic cable line out on the pole… the box is right on the local inter-squirrel-state "high"way.
Since they are extremely busy with the acorns, I cannot understand why they had time to try and patch into the cable... the email from Rick at Surewest indicates that they are finding stuff for their winter nests... hmmm I had no idea that they need highspeed digital, I thought they only listened to FM... but I digress... at any rate we now are back on line here at the Ponderosa thanks to the brave men from Surewest (they were roundly scolded by a large and very angry squrrel as they were working).
