Greetings from the Summer of Love!

I haven’t gone to so many weddings since my 20’s, when all my friends began to date, mate, engage and marry. I remember going to so many weddings that a few of us began to rate the fern stands. This time, the energy is very much the same, except that our engagements have run for decades, instead of months or weeks. And there are no fern stands.

I just came back from our second wedding in a week. But now it is different. We are all middle aged gentlemen whose relationships have stood the test of time, and yet each of us are having weddings, and parties to celebrate our transitions from domestic partnership to marriage. The media, television, nothing I have seen can accurately describe the happiness of 40 friends gathered to wish a couple happiness. 40 or more people, who are Latino, black, white, gay, straight, Catholic, Jewish, Baha'i, independent, democrat, republican… all there, together, crying, cheering, and hugging the grooms. It is love, the unconditional type, in its purest form.

Two people, devoted to each other, building lives together, planning to continue to spend their lives together, in front of family and friends. Nothing can be more important than this.

I fail to understand how this might negatively affect our neighbors’ marriages, or why a Church would actively wage war against this or why we as Californians would even consider amending our constitution to make sure this can’t happen in the future.

This is the summer of love.
