Account of Peggy Noonan and Former McCain Top Staffer Expressing Dismay at Selection of Palin for VP Reaches the New York Times. Normally This Sort of Story Gets Buried, But It Bubbled Up from the Net to the NYT on the Eve of Palin's "Acceptance Speech." "It's Over," Noonan Declares of the McCain Campaign.

Will Bunch: Sarah Palin's Speech to Nowhere

At The RNC, Distorting the Truth is Job Number One

Bill O'Reilly is the BuzzFlash Media Putz of the Week for September 4, 2008. Strange though, when we found out that 16-year-old Jamie Lynn Spears was pregnant, O'Reilly had a different take. "Now most teens are pinheads in some ways. But here the blame falls primarily on the parents of the girl, who obviously have little control over her or even over Britney Spears. Look at the way she behaves."
