To Whom It May Concern:


During her speech in St. Paul on Wednesday night, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin purported to speak for women, small town residents, and everyone who isn’t a member of the “Washington elite.” Sarah Palin is an intelligent, well spoken woman, but it must be made clear:

  1. We don’t want a country in which women who are raped are refused the right to choose abortion.
  2. We don’t want a country in which religious dogma is taught in public school science class.
  3. We don’t want a country where gay and lesbian citizens are discriminated against.
  4. We don’t want a country where books are banned from public libraries.

America is strongest when we are united, not divided. When our Constitutional liberties are respected. When our politicians rely on ideas and opinions instead of distortions and attacks.

The challenges we face are too big to be reduced to name-calling. Sarah Palin doesn’t speak for me.
