Rumors of Furloughs...


Dear CFA Members, Colleagues and California State University Supporters,

The Chancellor’s Office has informed CFA that its working number for budget cuts to the CSU for the 2009/10 fiscal year is $583.816 million.

Since the state legislature and governor have not yet finalized a 2009/10 budget, that number could change. Nevertheless, because of the severe state budget crisis, the cuts in the coming year will be deep.

Obviously, such a huge reduction will affect everyone on all 23 campuses. The ability to deliver a quality education to our students, already compromised by cuts in the past academic year, is in serious question. Rumors about these cuts and proposals to address them are circulating already.

The Chancellor’s Labor Relations staff has discussed with CFA and the other CSU employee bargaining units the possibilities of furloughs and job losses. According to them, a two-day-a-month furlough of all CSU employees for one year would address about half of the cuts required.

We will be talking with our Board of Directors, Chapter Presidents and other groups about the information that we have received from the Chancellor’s Office staff. We also plan to have another meeting with the Labor Relations staff sometime next week. We will keep in communication with the faculty in upcoming email messages.

Please check your email regularly so that we can keep you updated on the latest developments.

If you have received this email message from someone other than CFA Headlines or the CFA office, it may be that our office does not have your current email address. Please send your current email address to letting us know that you would like to receive regular updates.

Also, CFA has been assured by the Chancellor’s Office that until a state budget is signed into law by the governor, no steps will be taken on the campuses to implement 2009/10 academic year budget cuts. If you are a faculty member who has been told that such cuts will be made to your department or program, or if you have been told that you will not have a job next academic year, please let us know at Your name will be held in confidence.

Obviously, we all have very strong feelings about this situation.

Since the state budget is still not finalized, we urge you to express your views in letters to the editor reminding the public, governor and legislature of the consequences of the cuts already being made to public higher education. Our university and our state needs a balanced approach to budgeting that does not rely only on deep cuts to necessary public services.

We have been through many difficult times together over the past years. We have always known that if we do not panic, avoid rash action, and methodically navigate our way through crises in a unified manner, the outcomes will be better. We must continue to find ways to support each other now.

The officers of the California Faculty Association
