Viva Michael Jackson!

A note re: the fotos below of Michael Jackson. Milton & I were talking about Michael Jackson on the metrô as we rode the escalator up into the Praça do Sé and there he was working with four disabled girls. He was teaching them to move, dance and participate. There are many random things like this everywhere here, mimes, poets, things that add to the interest and excitement as you go about your business... it adds to the overall quality of life. It brings a great deal of joy and fun.

Many places in Brasil have many small programs to get people working with special needs populations. for instance. It is amazing to see this on going after leaving os States. The creativity and positive energy is palpable here... a real contrast to CUTsafornia, where the the leadership, the republicans have colluded to dismantle everything schools, universities, the arts... its plain stupid and retroactive, and selfish as hell.

One can really see a difference in the quality of life here, it is simple, but there is a joy and energy that does not exist in CUTsafornia and os States.


Off to a churrasco with the family...
