Afternoon rant...

Some things that really piss me off right now:

Wingnut-teabagger-anti-health-reform-birthers; religious zealots of any belief and creed; racists and homophobes, especially homophoic minorities that think GLBT rights aren't civil rights; most republicans - especially gay republicans; people who get their news from FOX and Limbaugh; most CEO's of major corporations; Sarah Palin; people who lack compassion; home schooling; universities and school districts who hire administrators / superintendents from outside of the state to solve their problems, as if this has worked in the past; people who don't vote; most administrators in the CSU system; bacon; furloughs; fireplaces in bathrooms; people who have no sense of vision; banks; lima beans; guns and people who own them; NRA stickers on cars; people who can't return email in a timely fashion; people who use their cars as an air conditioner and/or idle their auto while they use the ATM; picky eaters; the passive students and faculty in the CSU, including many of my colleagues who are willing to work more for less; people who fling cigarettes out the window when they drive; people who have no opinion; people who do nothing; suburbs; litter; selfish bastards who think that paying less in taxes is the answer to school reform; people who can't keep their yards tidy;people who don't pay union dues, yet take the raise and benefits; people with no sense of style; NCLB; PACT; people who think that those who earn $250,000.00 a year are middle class; and finally... (insert drum-roll here)... yes, I am unapologetic in my fundamental belief that all individuals be allowed to marry. I am not willing to settle for second-class citizenship for anyone in the United States of America.
