Sunday Update

This morning, Valdir went to work at 6 am… he does guard work for a conduminio fechado up by Monte Alegre. I have no idea how I am the only one who notices these things, Milton & Tata are three sheets to the wind, and I am left laying in bed wide eyed as the bairro wakes up outside… a few creaky gates, some car starts, Valdir gets on his moto and speeds off, dogs bark, people coming home from last night, then the birds start to sing “vem ti vi!”, more dogs bark, and of course there are church bells… so I grab my kindle and start to read as my sogra begins to walk around the house muttering,

“ai que color!”

In June she walks around muttering,

“ai que frio!”

She is a little put out as we went out without her last night and left her to talk to the neighbors who were sitting out and drinking pinga. She ising around opening and closing the windows… for some odd reason they all close the house, and don’t like fans, when really even when it is oppressive outside a cross breeze and a fan or two would fix it all. But I think that becasue there is little to do other than walk around locking and unlocking doors, opening windows, she just does that… it was, after all, too early for a telenovela, or O Calderão do Huck or something like that…

So I dosed off a bit more, and suddenly there were two missionaries clapping at the front gate…


I had had enough, so I called Milton to go answer… and went back to sleep. Luckily he wasn’t convinced or converted when he returned…
