3 from BuzzFlash

The hope, and change, of Franklin D. Obama -- P.M. Carpenter, Exclusively for BuzzFlash.com on March 22 -- It moves us; it does not position us. Movement, Obama knows, is generally possible in the here and now; legislative utopia takes some time. And that is the genius of Obama's seemingly tortoise-like progressivism: He will have victoriously crossed numerous finish lines before the frantic, overwrought hare is done banging into first-lap trees.

The Only Major Skill Republicans Have is Mythmaking -- Ann Davidow Exclusively for BuzzFlash If we can develop a sense of where we’ve gone wrong in the past with our choice of leaders we can make better judgments about the people in whom we place our trust and reject the political hucksters who play to our emotions rather than our common sense.

Bob Herbert: An Absence of Class in the GOP. Must Read Column on the Hate, Bigotry and Exploitation of the Working and Middle Class by the GOP.
