Fight FOX. Forward this to a friend.

Fight FOX. Forward this to a friend.

Dear Turn Off FOX Friends,

Thank you, as always, for your perseverance in the battle against FOX Fraudcasting. The network endeavors to spread vitriol and misinformation about something as integral to the country as healthcare reform. Meanwhile, newly-minted pundit Sarah Palin told an audience about how she received healthcare from Canada as child, which apparently has a better system than the U.S., no matter what Palin or her FOX cohorts say to the contrary. FOX talks about the KSM trial as if it has the best interests of the nation at heart. At the same time, one of the network's biggest shareholders is Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, a man with alleged ties to terrorism. The hypocrisy for them seems to know no end.

Fortunately, the ideas for combating FOX seem to know no bounds, either. We at Turn Off FOX need look no further than our readers to not only take action, but also for new ideas for how to keep the campaign going strong. Here are a couple of examples from a reader in the Cleveland area:

I'd like to share two stories of getting FOX News removed from businesses serving the public, one large and one small.

In early 2009, I noticed FOX News on the monitors at my local Marc's, a large regional discounter based in Cleveland.

I wrote them a polite letter, informing them that FOX alienates more people than it attracts, and that its continued presence on the checkout-line monitors could cost Marc's a significant amount of consumer goodwill.

In less than 24 hours, I received an email from their corporate offices stating that FOX News was broadcast in error, and that it will no longer be shown on their monitors. Ever since, the Food Network has been shown at my location. Common sense would dictate that, regardless of politics, the Food Network would be a far wiser and less divisive choice for a store that primarily sells food.

In another case, a local restaurant/bar began showing Fox News on monitors previously reserved for CNN or sporting events. Two nights in a row, I politely asked the bartenders to change the channel, and they complied. On the third night, Fox News was not removed, so I told a senior staffer there, "Either lose Fox News, or lose a customer. I reported, you decide."

After not setting foot in the place for ten days, I walked in, saw no FOX News, and ordered a beverage. One of the staffers walked up to me, gave me a hug, and said, "That didn't take long, but you made your point." To the best of my knowledge, FOX News has not been shown there since.

Establishments sometimes have a few employees that make things uncomfortable for customers and even, occasionally, fellow employees. Your actions help everyone involved. Here's another idea from a reader that sidesteps the obvious political questions people sometimes encounter when asking to change the channel from FOX:

When I went in for my yearly exam, there were flatscreen TVs with FOX News on everywhere in the lobby and waiting rooms at the medical center. I went to the front desk and asked if I could change the channels to HGTV -- about home and gardening as what they had on was raising my blood pressure abnormally high. THEY DID! On every TV! And I swung by a month later to see if they were all back to Fox, but they were all still on HGTV!

We've had our own successes, as well, including our efforts toward promoting Squash Glenn Beck! on Facebook. In just a few days, we garnered over 1,100 fans. Of course, we hope you will become a fan, too. As the page grows, we'll provide important updates on the ridiculous things the real Glenn Beck says and does, like when he instructed his listeners to abandon churches that preach social justice -- like, for example, the Catholic Church, or Beck's own Mormon church. Our squash probably does have more compassion than Beck; it's why you should become a fan.

All of you have been a great help in the campaign so far. Too many remain fooled by the half-hearted attempts at balance at FOX News, so please keep the campaign going strong, each of you helping in the way you can. As you come up with new ideas or success stories, please do relay them to us so that we can let everyone else know. We are only as effective and active as our readership allows us to be. Fortunately, you have been great and will assuredly continue to be. Keep watch for the rampant misinformation streaming from a certain media outlet into the mainstream -- and help enlighten friends and family to choose to Turn Off FOX.

If you want a fun way to support Turn Off FOX, try the Turn Off FOX bumper sticker. It's easily removable for the day FOX "News" is turned off forever.


BuzzFlash's Campaign to Turn Off FOX

Fight FOX. Forward this to a friend.
