Things are strange today...

Technology is behaving oddly today. I went to the gym first thing, and the electronic door fob thingy didn’t’ work, so I tried to call the number and my cell phone was nutty, so I went home and reset it, then after working a bit on my laptop it suddenly decided to do that annoying thing that it does when you want to shut down, and began loading new files from MS. On the way to work, my car suddenly does some strange stuff… it felt electronic.

During a presentation during a board meeting, the projector did a funny hiccup. I became concerned.

I went to the doctor, for my bi-weekly acupuncture treatment for allergies, and with a bit of quite meditation, I was thinking things were ok, they were until I got home and Milton said that the cable wasn’t working. So I disconnected it from the power source, and things were fine.

Then the link I sent my father for a laugh was returned with a message from him saying he couldn’t open it, it did for me.

When I then out of the blue the sprinklers came on. They are scheduled to go off at 430am… but they came on at 8pm, the clock is correct and the schedule is fine.

I thought it best to text my son with my concern. He works in a metaphysical bookstore in Venice, CA, and being an agnostic leaning atheist, would be able to give me unbiased advice… he told me his psychic told him it was because Mercury is retrograde...
