Today's Email Passaround:

Alcohol doesn't solve any problems....... but then again, neither does milk!

The fact that the words "gorilla" and "tortilla" do not rhyme really bothers me…….

How come when a man talks dirty to a woman …… its sexual harassment? But if a woman talks dirty to a man ……. it's $2.95 a minute……. what's with that?!?

The Discovery Channel is doing a documentary on a guy named Ryan who is going to have his vasectomy reversed. I think they should call the show "Saving Ryan's Private”…….

Some Cops just don’t have a sense of humor……… Some cars were vandalized in the area late yesterday afternoon……. An Officer came to my door and asked "Where were you between 4 and 6?" and I said "Kindergarten"…….

saw a sign yesterday that said: NEED HELP? CALL JESUS: There was a phone number too. So out of curiosity, I called……. About an hour later a Mexican gentleman showed up at my house with a lawnmower…….

I can no longer play Scrabble. Turns out I have Irritable Vowel Syndrome...

I had a teacher who was so tough……. she stapled Burger King applications to failed tests…….

My bank called me because they saw suspicious activity on my debit card……. I couldn't believe I bought a gym membership either…….

I had Mexican food for dinner last nite and used a BP Gas Station bathroom on the way to work....... I'd say we're just about even now....
