When Hamburgers started Falling from the Sky

Everyone thought it was adorable when hamburgers started falling from the sky in a recent animated movie. Violent spaghetti, not so adorable. But just wait until the hurricane season hits and those millions of gallons of crude oil swimming in the Gulf get dumped on land.

Tell Congress To Pass A Green Jobs Energy And Climate Bill NOW!

Action Page: http://www.peaceteam.net/action/pnum1049.php

Please Note: Try to submit the action page above before Saturday 6/19 as we are doing a server location move on that day. Otherwise, everything will be live again on Sunday the following day.

Twenty years ago we needed a crash program to develop truly green alternative energy sources. We needed it 10 years ago. Now with the mother of all oil blowout disasters getting worse by the day, a catastrophe so monumental the primary response from our government has just been to try to lie about its massive scale, the urgency of getting OFF fossil fuels is more critical than ever. And if there was anyone in Washington with a dime's worth of real leadership it would be happening right now.

We all remember how President Obama threw his green jobs point person over the side, because the Republicans threw a ridiculous hissy fit over absolutely nothing, except the fact that Van Jones spoke the truth. How we need leaders like that now. Where will we get them? If there is even a single member of Congress who isn't a worthless corporate flack dodger, we need bold leadership on green energy and we need it now.

Who in Washington has the courage and vision to fight for a green jobs energy future for this country, instead of just wallowing around in oil and nuclear corporation campaign contributions, while kowtowing to their every demand for strangling of regulation and subsidies on the public dole? Well we see where that got us, with corporate criminal sociopaths like BP saying, "Who cares, it's done, end of story" (an exact quote), when told by one of their own contractors that what they were doing was reckless and irresponsible, leading directly to the cataclysm at hand.

Tell Congress to pass a climate and energy bill with real DECREASES in carbon dioxide emissions, not just a shell game of a carbon trading scheme. Tell them to take all incentives AWAY from fossil fuel and nuclear and give them to solar, wind and biofuels instead, and make sure they are earmarked for creating jobs in THIS country.

It may even now be too late to save us from a polar ice cap melting nightmare future, which is all the more reason to get on it immediately.

Action Page: http://www.peaceteam.net/action/pnum1049.php

And after you do, why not pick up a policy message item related to all this, for a donation of ANY amount whatsoever you can afford? Get a "350 PPM Or Catastrophe" cap to help educate everyone you encounter that we must get carbon dioxide in the atmosphere back down to 350 ppm to avert incomprehensively greater future calamity. Get a "Stop The Filibuster" cap, without which no bill of merit can pass. Just make your selection from the return page from the action page above.

Or go directly to this page.

Policy Message Gifts: http://www.peaceteam.net/message_items.php

And of course you can always get a totally free "Corporations Are Not The People" bumper sticker just for the asking, if you haven't got one already.

Free Bumper Stickers: http://www.peaceteam.net/bumper_stickers.php

In the meantime, corporate toadies like Brit "Where's The Oil?" Hume should be made to go down to the Gulf Coast and lick the oil off the beaches with their tongues, as wave after wave of crude wash up on every beach for a thousand miles. How pathetic those dinky booms, which aren't even effective now in totally calm water, will look when 20 foot storm surges from the coming hurricane season inundate the bayous.

It is even possible that the hurricane season will be that much worse, if all those volatile petroleum fractions stimulate even more evaporation from Gulf waters overheated by the effects of climate change already. And you Red Staters on the Atlantic coast, brace yourselves too. The slick is already at the Florida Keys and coming around the bend.

All in all, it is every bit as bad as we warned you it would be day one. BP has lied to you. Obama has lied to you. It is much worse than they dared allow you to believe, and they are still lying. The entire bore hole appears to be disintegrating and it now may not be humanly possible to stop the blowout . . . ever.

For you see, it is not the end of the story, not even close. And it is going to get so much, so much worse, unless somehow we get enough of you folks to speak out all at the same time to demand real policy change.

And here is the Facebook link for the Green Jobs Energy And Climate Bill action page further above.

[Facebook] Action Page:

