Via What Are The Ten Best Countries In The World?

1diggdigg Finland Newsweek created a list of the best countries in the world. United States did not even obtain a position in the top ten. In fact, some of our ratings in key factors in the ranking was sadly low. In past years, I can remember when the United States would almost inevitably place first in all categories. This is a reminder of how much we have to accomplish in order to restore what has always made America great.
The United States ranked a very sad 26th in education coming behind such nations as Kazakhstan, Hungary and Poland. In healthcare, again we hit the pitiful 26th ranking. We do manage to make it into the top ten in the areas of 'quality of life' and 'economic dynamism.' So let's see what are the top ten best nations in the world. Drum roll!
1. Finland
2. Switzerland
3. Sweden
4. Australia
5. Luxembourg
6. Norway
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Japan
10. Denmark
