Via Courage Campaign

Courage Campaign

The Courage Campaign needs your vote -- and so does California.

We need Courage Campaign members to vote to help us determine our initiative endorsements. Hundreds of thousands of Californians rely on this guide to help make their choices. That's why we need you to vote now so that we can publish this guide before early voting begins in October.
Early voting for the November 2 election starts in just three weeks. This extremely important election will shape the future of the 38 million of us who live in California -- and will impact the nation as a whole. The choices on the ballot will determine whether you or Texas oil companies, Goldman Sachs and the US Chamber of Commerce will decide your destiny.

Once again, the Courage Campaign will provide the "Progressive Voter Guide" so you can decide for yourself how to vote on the nine ballot initiatives. The guide will include Courage Campaign's endorsements, as well as those from other statewide progressive groups.

Will you take just a few minutes to vote on Courage Campaign endorsements for the November 2 election? Click here to speak out on dirty energy, corporate tax loopholes, and ending the 2/3rds rule in the state Legislature. Help California make progressive choices at the ballot box. DEADLINE: Tuesday at 5 p.m.:

Courage Campaign members already voted to endorse Prop 19, the initiative to tax and regulate cannabis, in spring 2010. Now we need your vote on the rest of the propositions:
·         Prop 20: Redistricting for Congressional seats
·         Prop 21: State parks funding
·         Prop 22: Local government funding
·         Prop 23: Dirty energy proposition
·         Prop 24: Close corporate tax loopholes
·         Prop 25: Majority vote budget
·         Prop 26: Polluter protection
·         Prop 27: Eliminate redistricting commission
Progressives need to show up to vote in this extremely important election. The big corporations and right-wingers are counting on progressives to stay home so they can undermine our anti-pollution and clean energy laws. They want to stop progressives from providing badly needed fixes to our government and making the richest corporations pay their fair share.

Your opinions matter. Together, progressives across California beat PG&E's initiative in June by 250,000 votes, despite the $46 million they spent to pass it. Many of those were your votes, powered by our Progressive Voter Guide -- arming voters with the information they need to cast an informed vote.

The Progressive Voter Guide gives democracy a boost by giving voters the information they need. Your vote in our survey helps us inform California voters and build progressive power. Please take a few minutes to add your voice to the Courage Campaign's endorsements for the November 2 election. DEADLINE: Tuesday at 5 p.m.:

Thanks for taking the time to help win a progressive victory in California. We'll send you our full Progressive Voter Guide before absentee ballots arrive in mailboxes in early October.

Rick Jacobs
Chair, Courage Campaign 

Courage Campaign California is a part of the Courage Campaign's multi-issue online organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country. Supported by thousands of small donations from our diverse community, Courage Campaign California holds politicians accountable to progressive values, works for fundamental reform to our state's broken government, and trains and organizes activists to change their communities.
To power our campaign to make California more progressive, please chip in what you can today:
