Reflections on a strange week...

 1.      Golidlocks Planet
First there is the news that a planet has been discovered that is very much like Earth
If you do not think that acknowledging that life on other planets exists is going to rock the way we think here on Planeta Terra…well...

2.     Stupid suicides
a.     The number of teen / adolescent suicides is skyrocketing and I personally hold the religious right wing nut job tea party bigot homophobes Evangelical, Mormon, Baha’i and Catholics responsible…
b.    Thankfully the good people at Teach Tolerance have some good ideas seethe It Gets Better Project

3.     Students in EDTE 18
a.        Had one of those “they actually pay me to do this” moments with two sections of my undergrad classes on Thursday… just sitting and talking about this crazy week, world with good kids.

4.    Students in EDTE 251
 My face to face meeting with my online cohort in the C & I masters class… kinda blew their minds by renegotiating the syllabus with them, in so doing came out and talked about bullying and we are resetting the course objectives to meet their needs… really sweet and nice people!

 Life is indeed good! Tomorrow off to SF to take Milton to vote… Brazilians(everywhere) are voting for president tomorrow!

Viva Dilma!
