Water: Blog Action Day

So may people do not have access to clean drinking water... When I have traveled around Latin America or the USA, still people think that a river is a trash receptacle. Whet we need is a campaign of mindfulness... littering even if you throw or drop anything on street eventually washes into a storm drain, a creek, a river... someone has to clean it or it ends up contaminating our water supplies. Itis my hope that this blog action day goes towards raising our awareness that we are all part of the problem. A few ideas (petpevees):

1. it takes a full bucket of water for the hot water to get to our showers in our home.  Instead of letting it just run down the draine now save that water, and ether use it to flush the toilet or water plants in the garden.

2. asking people to not idle and turn off their cars - many students at my university sit in their car parking structures and run the car for the AC/heat and either nap or study, other folks leave the car running while they use the ATM. Its wasteful, and this pollution goes into damaging our lungs and the forests that protect our water supply.

3. Litter - discarding wrappers, cigarette buts, etc... not only is unsightly, its uncivilized. All this has to be cleaned by someone, and most cities and counties have fired those "someone's".  Please be mindful of the  litter you create, as things on streets end up in streams in rives and eventually the ocean.

These are three, really easy things everyone can do...


Dave Lucas said…
+|O:| - WATER IS LIFE! Please check out my contribution to the Blog Day 2010 initiative:
