Two from Truthout:

Wednesday 9 February 2011

William Rivers Pitt | A Rich Fantasy Life
William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: "I know I should be immune to this by now, but I still find myself awestruck by the incredibly detailed, insulated fantasy world that the American conservative 'movement' has created for themselves. No lie is too big to be told, no fact is too firm to be bent around ideology, no myth is too absurd to defend to the knife. The ability to spew deliberate nonsense into the credulous ears of Fox-watching right-bent voters - and to be utterly without shame while doing it - is the core of this 'movement's' political muscle, and has been for a number of decades now."
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Maybe This Time: How We Can Reform the Pentagon and Cut Its Budget
Dina Rasor, Truthout: "Yesterday, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, put out a statement as he released his 2011 National Military Strategy. In it, he spoke words that have been rarely uttered by any high-ranking military or civilian member of the Department of Defense (DoD). He said that the 'national debt poses a significant national security risk ... Both our nation and military will face increased budget pressures and we cannot assume an increase in the defense budget,' and he added, 'As we adjust to these pressures, we must not become a hollow force with a large force structure lacking the readiness, training, and modern equipment it needs.'"
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