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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Unequal Protection, Part I: Corporations Take Over
Thom Hartmann, Berrett-Kohler Publishers: "In 2003, when the first edition of this book came out, I was invited to address about two hundred students and faculty at a New England law school. I asked for a show of hands 'among those of you who know that in 1886 in the Santa Clara County versus Southern Pacific Railroad case, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that corporations were entitled to constitutional rights?' Every hand in the room went up. (And then they got an earful.)"
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Class Warfare, the Final Chapter
Michael Pirsch, Truthout: "There is overwhelming evidence that we are entering the final chapter of class warfare in the US. Today, in the 'public arena,' it is forbidden to say class warfare, and many citizens do not regard themselves as working class. The assault on language comes compliments of the propaganda apparatus, which includes: public relations, marketing, corporate media and the entertainment industry, universities, think tanks and so on. Its purpose is to distract our attention from serious matters so we can focus on trivial matters - usually involving consuming."
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