Two from Truthout:

William Rivers Pitt | I Remember America
William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: "It has not always been this way. Maybe we're all suckers for the down-the-memory-hole 24-hour news cycle nonsense that has afflicted this country for far too long already, because it is getting harder and harder to remember the simple fact that it has not always been this way. This, however, is how it is now. On Wednesday, the Democratic president of the United States will stand somberly before a bank of television cameras to announce the orderly annihilation of the social contract that has guarded and sustained the American people for generations."
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Paul Krugman | An Inferior Argument for American Superiority
Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co.: "Aaron Carroll, in his health-care-focused blog 'The Incidental Economist,' had a very good takedown of a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed article by Republican Senator Ron Johnson, who basically exploits his infant daughter's medical experience to make an incoherent attack on the Affordable Care Act. 'Today is the first anniversary of the greatest single assault on our freedom in my lifetime: the signing of ObamaCare,' Senator Johnson wrote on March 23. 'As we consider what this law may do to our country, I can't help but reflect on a medical miracle made possible by the American health-care system.'"
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