Via Lester & Charlie: Aunt Betty's Alamanac

Aunt Betty's Alamanac
When Lester & Charlie need clear-headed advice, they turn to chain-smoking deep-thinker Aunt Betty. Soak up her wisdom and feel free to ask her your own questions! 

On religion:

"Sitting in a church isn't going to make me any more religious than sitting in a garage would make me a Ford."

On Karl Rove:

"I don't believe in the death penalty, but I'll stay alive just to see if that jackass might get it."

On visiting her son in Wichita:

"I can't believe I'm going to a state of our Union where the majority of so-called citizens think that 'Creationism' is a logical concept. I don't know what I'm going to do."

On Harriet Miers, momentary Bush nomination to the Supreme Court:

"I heard her say that George Bush is the most intelligent person she knows. That should disqualify her from the human race, not just the race for the court."

On Phoenix:

"Luckily, the weather is so bad that I'll probably stay in doors and won't meet anybody."

On illegal immigration:

"I don't want Mexicans coming into this country at all. They're clearly taking the only jobs that American's are capable of doing."

On her stroke:

"Somebody had to upset about it. When I saw how stressed out the doctors were, I figured I was off the hook."

On people:

"God made more horses asses than he made horses." 
