Caminhada de hoje - Daily Walk

    On today’s morning walk, which could begin with “there is a harsh wind blowing in off the moor”, I saw the following:
  1.  I saw a dogcatcher, right out of a cartoon… a sorry looking shaggy dog in a cage, and a huge net, like you use for catching a fish, but the size to catch a large Labrador (see the 2 min mark);
  2. I was blessed by two nuns who were walking up the street;
  3. The mad pharmacist (who always greets me in espanhol for some reason), at the top of Rua Alvarenga invited me into the store for coffee, and tried to get me to marry his daughter;
  4. The guy just past the rodoviário who sells revistas, greeted me, with a plethora of “Bom dia, bom dia, bom dias!” as he always does;
  5. A dog that was in my way moved, when I told him “com licença senhor”… the lady sweeping the street by him busted up and started singing at the top of her lungs as she continued to sweep trash into a pile…
It’s good here.
