Via Beyond the Chron: To Rebuild the American Dream, Put Pressure On Democrats

To Rebuild the American Dream, Put Pressure On Democrats

You may have been too busy bemoaning President Obama’s attempt to slash Social Security and Medicare to notice, but MoveOn and other progressive groups have launched a new “movement” to Rebuild the American Dream. According to its backers, “the American Dream Movement is growing stronger by the day, and it’s not going away until we can find jobs, afford to go to college, retire with dignity, and secure a future for our children and our communities.” But the coalition’s action plan is curious. Today, it is organizing turnouts at the district offices of House members to make sure they oppose “cuts for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid as part of a deal to avoid default.” But focusing on the Republican-controlled House, whose members won’t be influenced by progressive activism, rather than the Democratic President -- or Senate Democrats -- also backing cuts applies pressure in the wrong place. A progressive coalition that claims to be “Bigger than the Tea Party” must hold Democrats accountable as effectively as conservatives do for Republicans . [more]->
