Via Kelly the Kitchen Kop /FB:

 The Matrix..... KFC version.

Unconscious Chicken Farming: This could be an upcoming "humane" alternative to the current method of factory chicken farming. Here's how it works: Chickens are placed in "a massive steel frame that would contain up to 1,000 birds. In it the chickens are completely immobilized—their feet are removed (to save space), and the birds receive food, water and oxygen through an intricate network of tubes. In order to eliminate the suffering that chickens would face under such conditions, Ford proposes that the birds’ cerebral cortex be removed, leaving the brain stem (and key homeostatic functions) intact. The chickens would continue to grow, but would basically spend their lives in a coma." Are you as freaked out over this Matrix-like idea as I am? Personally I would go vegan before eating an animal raised this way. What are your thoughts? Is it more humane than the current CAFO way, or even worse? Read about Unconscious Chicken Farming here --->'s photo.
