Via Lester & Charlie:

The Lester & Charlie Show

 Rebranding the KKK!

Racists in America never seem to tire of trying to outdo one another. The ink was barely dry on the story of the white supremacist — whose alleged shooting rampage at two Jewish institutions in Kansas was followed by a cry of “Heil Hitler!” — when we were treated to the psycho rants of everyone’s new favorite deadbeat, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who declared that black Americans (“Negroes” to him) have problems today because “they never learned to pick cotton” and they were perhaps “better off as slaves.”

That sent Bundy’s opportunistic supporters — like Nevada Senator Dean Heller and prez hopeful Rand Paul, both Republicans — into a frenzied panic. “Appalling!” “Offensive!” “Racist!” they shouted, trying desperately to create some distance between them and the guy who — just moments before — was a blue-blooded hero for attempting an armed insurrection against the federal government.

It seems that racists just aren’t getting all the love like they used to. Could it be that they’re … misunderstood?

Make the jump here to read the full posting at Lester & Charlies
