Via Beaverton: Mass shooting in _________, USA kills ___

Mass shooting in _________, USA kills ___ / lewistse
__________, USA -- Up to ___ people were killed and ____ more injured after a gunman opened fire at a ________.
There were conflicting reports about casualties, but _______ from _______County Sheriff Department said the number is at __.
“I heard a popping sound and screaming,” said _________, a _________ at the __________. “And that’s when we all got down. There was ______ everywhere.”
The shooter’s motive was reported to be ________________.
Citizens of _______ were ______ and ______ to hear that something like this could happen in their community.
President _______ and Governor _______ had their _______ and _______ with the victims and their families.
____________________________________________________ gun control ___________________.
The NRA released a statement stating it __________with the victims, but _________ Second Amendment rights and _______________.

Last modified on Friday, 02 October 2015 15:31
