***** Precise, Effective and Secure *****

After my monday acupuncture treatment with Fernando.  We ran some errands and had lunch before a meeting on campus.

Below, offers a good description of my possible adventure into robotics. Tomorrow I go to meet Dr. Lupercio and I find out when, where, and how much this applies. 

Fernando my was kind enough to share this with me, as the site gives a good decription of what I might encounter, the site is not my doctor in BH, but he felt it seemed like what I was about to encounter. 

Click the pic to get more robotics and and an explanation in the world's most beautiful language. Here's a clue:

Prostatectomia radical (tratamento de câncer de próstata) = Radical prostatectomy (prostate cancer treatment)


Life is good!

Link here to TravelArk pics


Anonymous said…
It’s all good. —Joey Laythe