Yesterday we began filming the first module of 12 for a series re: Ubiratan D'Ambrosio- thank you Luciano!


A quiet day, as I wait for the electrical thingamajig to insert in my hooha to reprogram my whatchimalcallit to come in the fast mail so I can start PT.


In so doing, I’m suffering a big bout of gratidão (gratefulness) as it were. It has been great to receive such love and energy aka: “thoughts and prayers” from so many good, fine, sweet, amigos, family, colleagues.


I had folks in Nepal praying to Hindu gods, and some buddies who were in Lumbini (the birthplace of Lord Buddha) went to the birthplace temple there.


Folks all over the Americas (USA, México, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru and Brasil – Buddhists, Muslims, Christians and Jews and Bahá’ís.


New Zealand, Portugal, Israel and UAE, too… just amazing!


SO, As I wait for the thingamajig to come to start PT so I can move on from these infernal diapers, I am filled with love and gratitude, to you all.


I probably will start PT next week and meet again with Wagner to see what the next steps are – let’s all visualize a big NÃO for radiation!


Thanks all! Gratidão!

P.S. I cannot for the life of me understand why Blogspot won’t allow comments… hmm.

P.S.S.  I think I fixed it. Can you try leaving a msg here?




Jon said…
tried once here we go again
Anonymous said…
congrats you are Team Number One!
Jon said…
It looks like you also activated a feature that allows readers for forward posts to an email address of the commenter's choice. It shows up as an envelope with an arrow
Anonymous said…
Cheering for you from Berkeley