Jury Duty Today...

Earlier today I sent an email to a colleague re: my jury duty predicament - stating "well, no one ever died of boredom". As I walked out of the jury room for lunch -I am now at Butch & Nelie's(http://midtowngrid.com/butchnellies/butchnelliescoffee.shtml - there were a cadre of Sacramento's finest resuscitating a poor soul laid out on the floor...

I am wrong... apparently you can die of boredom!

Here are a few pictures from my walk from the courthouse to Butch & Nellie's for lunch... what a pretty day in a beautiful city... with perfect weather... just wish I was in my garden working... don’t have to be back until 1:30… so will hang out and walk around my beautiful city! The older white building is city hall, I would sully this blog with a picture of our courthouse... there is bad architecture and then there is the Sacramento County Courthouse...
