In Summary

In summary... yesterday after walking across the Brooklyn Bridge (in the rain) and spending the rest of the day in the Met, we tried to get into a restaurant that Joe & Ruth recommended. We ended up getting an excellent Japanese dinner (Ocha vs the recommended Orso). Spencer and I played pool in Soho until 1am. I am not all the bad, or he isn't all that good. It was great fun.

This morning, I was awoken by all sorts of hammerings and sawings and the movement of large quantities of somethings next door. The great loft is in an old factory (complete with enormous chimney) with beautiful women who live in the rooms above and descend from ladders. It sits sort of beneath an elevated MTA station (Smith & 9th) next to a fetid canal, and across from a Lowe’s. Mark Saul and his wife from the Templeton Foundation are coming to take us out on the city. There are rumors of Russian brunches in Brighton Beach. The remodeling noise has diminished, but with the MTA above us, and the Malian music my son is playing, and the great roommates he has, it’s all good!
