Who health care reform is REALLY about


I don't know about you, but it's hard for me to watch the health care debate and not be aghast at what the special interests are trying to do.

Since Congress left for August recess, these guys have shown they are willing to do whatever it takes to derail this debate, spreading myths and using scare tactics.

Well, I'm not going to sit back and take it anymore. I'm fighting back by spreading the truth about reform - and reminding Congress of what this debate should truly be about: the millions of Americans who so desperately need reform.

Divided We Fail is featuring one story a day until Congress passes reform. Check out today's story - and join me in reminding Congress who health care reform is really about.


The opposition might be loud and getting louder these days. That's why your help is so critical to making sure that myths and scare tactics don't drown out the voices of real people who need reform.

Thanks so much for all your help!
