Quote of the Day (from a buddy Tim):

"What do we expect when we allow the Constitution to be interpreted to define “Legal Personhood” to corporations thus giving them all the protections we are entitled to, including free speech? This is just one in a series of attacks on our democratic process. Of all the things that need changing in this country, election laws are probably the first we should look at. Until we fix the process, we can not get the right people in office and fix the problems.

Because legal persons (read corporations as opposed to real human beings) have limited "free speech" rights, legislation meant to eliminate campaign contributions by legal persons (notably, corporations and labor unions) has been repeatedly struck down by various courts. On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court of the United States, deciding Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission by a 5-4 majority, removed restrictions on some types of corporate spending in support of (or in opposition to) specific candidates. This dramatically expanded the "free speech" rights of corporations.

Until we can convince the courts to stop granting these rights to corporations, we will not see an end of government that is bought and controlled. Unfortunately in this political climate of “NO” and “We will do it anyway without you”, it will be hard to come to a compromise that will once again allow the best qualified persons take office and guide our country out of this quagmire that causes us to be unable to move forward to a positive growth future."
