The Republican war on Grandma

Republican candidates across the country are all running on the same platform this year -- destroying Social Security as we know it.

Kentucky's Rand Paul called Social Security a "Ponzi scheme." Chuck Grassley, Richard Burr -- these guys led George Bush's campaign to hand over Social Security to Wall Street back in 2005 and they're ready to lead it again.

Social Security is the most successful, popular social program in the history of the United States and Republicans will stop at nothing to kill it. Cutting benefits, raising the retirement age -- these are just first steps they want to take to destroy Social Security altogether.

Five years ago, DFA was a leader in the campaign to save Social Security from George Bush. Today, we're fighting to save it from the Deficit Commission and right-wing Republicans in Congress. But we can't do it without your help. DFA is the country's largest people-powered PAC and we rely on small contributions from across the country to get the job done. Contribute $10 today to help fuel our campaign to save Social Security.

Beat back Republican attacks on Social Security -- contribute $10 now.

We're not pulling any punches in our campaign to save Social Security. We're organizing DFA members from coast to coast to make phone calls, knock on doors and talk to their friends and neighbors. We'll run ads, polling -- whatever it takes to beat back right-wing Republican attacks.

That's why we're supporting Democrats like Jack Conway, Roxanne Conlin and Elaine Marshall. The best way to keep Rand Paul and the rest of his right-wing pals from destroying Social Security is to make sure Republicans don't get elected this November.

But we're not supporting just any Democrats, either. We support Democrats with a history of fighting for the people, not the powerful. Democrats who will stand up and say Hands Off Social Security. Help us make sure we elect voices to the Senate who will stand up for everyday Americans.

Republicans want to destroy Social Security -- contribute $10 today to make sure they don't get the chance.

We beat back Republican attempts to kill Social Security in 2005. Contribute today and make sure we beat them again in 2010.

Thank you for everything you do.


Jim Dean, Chair
Democracy for America
