Via AmericaBlog:

Why doesn't the media hold the Republicans accountable for their "Democrat" slur?

It's not a slur, but they think it's one.  Republicans at the national level intentionally misuses the word "Democrat" as an adjective, thinking it comes across as a slur, or negative, somehow if they misuse the word.  It's done by Fox, the Republican leadership of the Congress, and by Republican leaders nationwide.  It's something widely known and acknowledged in Washington, DC And it's very weird.  There's a childishness, and pettiness, to it that's actually quite shocking.  Mitch McConnell did it again today, when talking about the Democratic budget, he called it the "Democrat budget."  And the media never comments on it, never talks about it, writes about it, or exposes it to the American people.

Imagine if the Democrats had decided a while back to misuse the word Republican on purpose - oh, I don't know, say we drop the "l" from now on.  It would be the talk of the media.  There'd be a national debate excoriating the Democrats for their childishness.  But when the Republicans do it, and have been doing it for years, not a peep.

Perhaps the media think (thinks?) that it's so petty and silly, it's just not worth reporting on. But it's the very nature of how petty and silly it is, how sophomoric it is, that makes it significant.  Mitch McConnell is the Republican leader in the Senate, the second most powerful Republican nationwide.  It's telling, in a seriously bad way, that the man would contort the word "Democrat" in an effort to secretly slur his political opponents.  It says something about the man.  And it's not good.
