Via The Pragmatic Progressive /FB:

The RNC has deliberately decided to make a big deal of our national debt, blaming the Democrats for every one of our nation's economic woes, going so far as to hang a million dollar debt clock over the audience's head. They also drone over and over in their speeches about how successful they have been at reigning in spending WITHOUT raising taxes. Of course, they fail to mention that the burden fo
r paying our nation's bills have effectively been transferred from those who have benefited economically in recent years, to the poor whose jobs were eliminated so the wealthy could suck down more profits.

If we take a look at where all that debt actually comes from however, it doesn't come close to the picture being painted by the Republicans. Bush era tax cuts, and expensive wars that he started account for nearly half of that debt. When we add in the economic downturn that resulted from his failed economic policies, that total grow to over 2/3 of our total debt. The things that the Republicans accuse of causing all the damage, bailouts and recovery measures, account for only 8%, and the costs of running the rest of "big government" (paying interest on the bush debt, and all those "entitlements", dontcha know) accounts for just over 20%.

The sheer audacity of their lies is unfathomable. The only way to defeat those lies is to hold them up to the harsh light of the truth. Share this graphic with your political friends, please. More importantly, share it with your political foes.

~ Kerry
